Like I said on my 19th entry post, I lost my 2 minute-so-far animation. That would've been good to post on here, but, fucking computers hate me you see.. Just as much as my bike.
I was thinking about re-animating it since I still have the plot and storyline in my notepad, as I have had it since I started animating Madness Faicness back in June 2010.
I never lose the plot..
Like I say, I never lose the plot, because I'm so idiotic to even write the plot down. Who even does this shit besides me? Ok back to the story, since I'm already losing THIS plot..
Christmas has just passed, as well as my birthday, so I have gotten a bit more money, so I can invest more time in Flash.
But to do that I need to stay out of the real world.. and come into the cyber world..
Or do both at the same time...
Anyways... in order to re-animate Madness Faicness, I need to copy up my plot and storyline onto my Laptop so then I won't lose it. But my other animatey-progressy-movie bullshit is still coming.
Madness Oviation
I'm repeating this. Madness Oviation was never meant to be slow. I didn't realize the FPS doesn't change until you click on 'test movie'. I only realized when I put it on the portal 'cos I forgot to check.
Although most of you aren't even reading this, 'cos I'm boring, you're probably playing games while trying to read this, but I couldn't care less.
Hanks Killhouse IV (65%
Still being animated, because I keep forgetting to work on it 'cos I cannot get off of my lazy bitch ass.
Coin For All II (25% and stopped)
Stopped being animated back in October 2010 because I think the 1st should be the only one.. since it sucked anyway.
GunBound (5 - 10%
Only done about 5%. Started animating that a LLLOOONNGGG while ago. Haven't really since.
SS: Stick War (50%)
It's actually coming a long. It's not really a stick war, its just people jumping off of high things.. a bit like XefPattersons 'Tha Cliff'.
Muzzletoff I (42% and paused)
Paused this so I can animate other shit.
Hanks Killhouse V (0% not confirmed yet)
Hmm... maybe.
Aight, thats my animatey crap while I gte back to reality. Hey thats a song! Wait, stick to the plan...
I will leave you all to it. Have a nice day while I go and commit suicide.. in my mind..
See ya!
- Jay, Boy Wonder :D